Under the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 it is illegal to:
- sell tobacco products to a person under 18; and
- purchase a tobacco product for use by a person under 18.
Product prices include all taxes
Our Bolivar cigar collection celebrates a deep-rooted Cuban tradition, offering aficionados a choice of products representing one of the most respected and sought-after cigar brands. As a testament to the legacy of Simón Bolívar, these cigars symbolise the spirit of valour and courage that marked the history of Latin America.
Each cigar in our Bolivar collection is more than just a product—it's a story, a piece of history, handcrafted with decades of tradition. As a brand, Bolivar has continually resonated with those who seek authenticity, drawing from a rich Cuban heritage to provide an unparalleled experience.
Purchasing from our Bolivar cigar collection means embracing an authentic Cuban experience. Please remember, these products are meant for those who are legally allowed to consume tobacco. We strictly follow all the relevant guidelines and legal requirements in providing these products. We encourage responsible usage, respect for tradition, and adherence to regulations.
Under the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 it is illegal to:
Product prices include all taxes